Plan to ban all legal highs

Plans to ban “legal highs” in the city centre have been highlighted in a new proposal by the City of Lincoln Council. The Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) has the purpose to prevent the use of intoxicating substances in the city centre.

Members of the public are given the chance to air their views on the possible ban of legal highs at the Policy Scrutiny Committee meeting on, Saturday December 17.

The PSPO is made possible through new government legislation that was introduced on October 20, which gives local councils the power to place an order where continuous activities are having a detrimental effect on the quality of life for members of the community.

Councillor Fay Smith, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services and Public Protection, said: “New psychoactive substances, commonly known as ‘legal highs’, are a concern to the council and other agencies.

“This proposal for a new PSPO is a proactive approach that will allow the council and Lincolnshire Police to tackle on-street use of legal highs, alcohol and any other intoxicating substances within the city centre, helping to prevent the issues this causes and offer support and intervention to those who need it.” The order would not impede the use of tobacco or other substances that are used for medicinal purposes.

This new power replaces the current Designated Public Place Orders (DPPO) which prevents alcohol consumption under certain circumstances in certain areas but does not have any control over the use of legal highs.

Anyone who breaches the order would be deemed as committing a criminal offence and could receive a fixed Penalty Notice or face a fine in court. It is hoped that a full recommendation will be presented so that full council can decide upon whether to enact this order on, Tuesday February 24.

For more information about the dangers of legal highs see

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